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Networking Activities

The optional networking activities are NOT included in your conference registration and require a separate charge. You must be registered as a full conference attendee or spouse/significant other in order to participate in any of the activities and you must be registered by the deadline to participate. The majority of activities have a registration limit so sign up quickly before your top choice is sold out. 

NO refunds will be granted for tours and networking activities as deposits are pre-paid. You must register by March 24, 2024 to participate in an activity.

Already Registered?

If you already registered yourself for Spring 2025, please use the following instructions to login and add a networking event to your registration.

  1. Access the Platform: Log in to your MyEGSA account.

  2. Navigate to Registration: Once logged in, look for and select the 'Register for an Event' option in the left-hand menu.

  3. Select the Event: In the events list, find and choose 'Fall 2024 Conference Bellevue'. Even though you're already registered, click on "Register".

  4. View Registration Details: After selecting registration for yourself, you'll see a confirmation message letting you know you are already registered. Click on the 'Details' button to view your registration.

  5. Add Extras: In the 'Order Details' section (top-right corner), there's an 'Add Guest/Session' button. This is where you can add guests and additional networking activities!

  6. Finalize: Review your guest registration/additional activities and proceed to checkout.

Check out even more Networking Activities photos!

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